MetroRail Mural
MetroRail Mural

MetroRail Mural
MetroRail Mural
MetroRail Mural
500 Live Oak St, Houston, TX 77003
If you ride the rails, you've probably noticed Daniel Anguilu's vibrant murals along the tracks. Anguilu is a well-known street artist who says working as a train operator inspires his colorful work. Anguilu has now painted around 100 murals across Houston. His geometric murals are a familiar sight in Midtown. The bright, theologically inspired spires painted on the side of the Baha'i Center on Fannin are one of many examples of his colorful pieces. All are topped with thick, spray-painted lines, giving the murals a stained-glass appearance.
Anguilu’s job as a train operator benefits his art pursuits, Anguilu explains. Train operators change schedules every four months, so he can adjust to working night and day hours around his current schedule. That allows him to spend part of the year working on a project with a youth group, for example, then transition back to his own mural work.
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